
The Legend of Zelda - Union of Evil Powers Ch 47

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The Legend of Zelda: Union of Evil Powers

Chapter 47: The Last Generator
Link and the Seven Sages entered a very large room, filled with lava around them, with the only suitable paths to walk on being crates that somehow floated in the lava, although some sank and rose from the lava in an alternating pattern, of where one would rise and the other would sink and where the one would sink, the other would rise and so on. Looking around, the group could see that the room was one big machinery contraption, with platforms moving on and on over a set of rails, conveyor belts on a higher floor, retracted ladders and even two poles that extended from a shaft in the ceiling all the way down into the lava. Oddly enough, the lava here seemed partially transparent, while the red-patterned surface made it obvious it was hazardous. This time however, it was hazardous even for Darunia, since it would make him sink into it in case he would fall in it, it was THAT deep. Link wiped some sweat from his forehead, indicating it was indeed incredibly hot. While the group had the advantage of the Goron Tunic making them somewhat heat-resistant, they were still not out of danger or being otherwise unaffected by the heat. There were visible safe platforms further up the building, almost as if the room itself consisted of multiple floors of a building, yet the seemingly haphazard construction, the lack of guard rails, stairways and the numerous hazards alongside would make it either ideal for extensive training for enemy forces or have a construction site that one would want to fire, apprehend and sue the architect of the contraption for even designing such a lethal area that could harm any unsuspecting traveler. It wouldn’t make use as a living area at all, just like a facility for troops to watch over the machinery around.
“What is this place?!” Zelda asked.
“It’s obviously meant for transportation of materials and everything, or otherwise aid in the production of the weaponry that the enemy forces are going to use in the full scale invasion and occupation of our lands.” Link said.
“Indeed. Or they could be utilizing the lava around here for something…” Darunia said.
“So, how do we make our way up here?” Saria asked.
“There’s a ladder close by, but that’s beyond our reach.” Nabooru said.
“Looks like we need to cross the path of crates to the other side of the room to see if we can make it through there.” Ruto said.
“But watch your step on those sinking and rising ones.” Rauru said.
“We should take turns following the pattern of those platforms.” Impa suggested.
“Great idea. That way we won’t knock each other off of the platforms or slip up.” Zelda said, as she saw Link already moving on his way, carefully studying the pattern and timing his jumps between platforms with caution, following him as the second one to go.
Impa couldn’t help but maintain an expression of concern on her face as she watched Link and Zelda go, soon followed by Saria, Ruto and then Nabooru, before she went on next. It was as if there was a continuous sense of tension around, she couldn’t explain why, but the whole area seems so out of place, with all those devices working while having pipes and whatnot going in the lava… perhaps there were some lava-resistant materials after all…

It took Link about a minute or so to cross the rising and sinking platforms to the other side of the room with care, now standing on one that remained safely surfaced above the lava, while a ladder was attached to it, leading to a higher floor.
“Well, here goes nothing.” He said as he began to climb the ladder, moving towards a higher platform where he was immediately being confronted by a single Bomb Soldier, whom Link took out with a Silver Bomb Arrow before he could do any actual harm, hopping over to the platform on the other side where he waited for the others. Zelda arrived shortly after he made it up there.
“This is going to be quite a climb, won’t it?” She asked.
“Yes, it will,” Link replied while trying to get the pattern of the moving platforms on the rails down while Saria climbed up, “and given how complex this room is, it won’t be easy.”
Zelda nodded.
“So, how do you think we should cross this?” She then asked.
“If I’m not mistaken, these rails are carrying platform in a constant alternating fashion between large and small. Given that we must travel in the opposite direction of where these platforms are going, this won’t be easy, especially when you have these things in your path…” Link said, pointing to cylindrical tubes that stuck out from one machine directly above the platforms. Each of the tubes had holes on every side, while the inside part of it was glowing red-hot, being made more obvious by the constant jets of steam which came from the end part of the tube itself. Zelda, Saria, Ruto and Nabooru each took a peek at where Link was pointing at, seeing what he meant.
“Oh, man. As if things weren’t difficult for us enough already.” Ruto said.
Studying the pattern carefully, Link eventually hopped on one of the larger platforms, before hopping on a smaller that appeared from below the first tube, before he hopped over the tube itself to another large platform. He didn’t stop however, as the platforms were still moving and any collision with the tubes could send him back onto the floating path or even in the lava itself! He repeated this procedure as he went on, although he yelped a little as he came a bit too close to the second tube, nearly burning his hands on the red-hot pipe, while also nearly burning his rear as he narrowly hopped over an edge of the big platform and landing on a short one, before immediately hopping over to a larger one to get some space between him and that red-hot metal tube.

Zelda on her turn was happy that she wasn’t wearing her Royal Dress in favor of her Goron Tunic at the time, mostly because she was afraid that her dress would either get stuck on one of the pipes and make her get stuck or fall down into the lava below, or otherwise catch fire due to the immense hot temperature that the tubes emanated. Ruto in particular was the most nervous of the group, although some reassurance from Saria and Nabooru gave her the courage to proceed herself as well, imitating Link’s behavior of studying the pattern and above all thinking before leaping, primarily to time the jumps carefully to prevent being burnt alive. Of course Darunia had lesser problems in dealing with the heat, but remained cautious nonetheless. Even a warned Goron counts for two.

Link finally managed to reach the ladder on the far side of the area again, but as he climbed it, a section of the ladder extended itself all the way to the ground floor.
“Great, NOW you decide to make a shortcut for us? It will at least save us some trouble in the future…” Link said in dismay, before climbing his way up to the next level of the room, once more waiting until the others had arrived. It was as if Link was upholding a policy of ‘no one gets left behind’.
“I’m more surprised by how stable everything here is.” Zelda said as she climbed up the ladder herself, while Link made room for her to stand on, spotting several metal rooms ahead, of which one had its entrance opened and available as a platform for the group to move onto.
“I’ll say. I have to give it to them, they sure know how to design something.” Link said, nodding in agreement as Saria climbed the ladder to join them.
As Link made room by hopping on the opened door of the first metal room, a second door lowered itself, revealing a Bow Soldier! Link was quick and fired a Silver Arrow which intercepted the arrow fired by the Bow Soldier, before firing a second Arrow that defeated the Bow Soldier instantly, its body falling in the lava below, sinking rapidly until it was gone. Link gulped at this, feeling uncomfortable, while the others arrived shortly with Zelda joining Link.
“What’s up?” Zelda asked.
“It sickens me to witness someone falling in the lava like that.” Link said.
“Better avert your eyes next time.” Zelda said, patting Link on the back.
“Thanks, I will.” Link said, smiling as the two advanced, this time confronted by an Assault Spear Soldier who came out of a similar cage like the Bow Soldier.
Zelda and Link both worked together to defeat it with their Silver Arrows, looking away as the Spear Soldier met the same fate as the Bow Soldier. Moving on, the two hopped on the second opened door, when the third one opened and revealed a Mad Scrub, whom began to spit its Deku Nuts at the two. Deflecting them with the shields, Link and Zelda then retaliated with a single Silver Arrow, instantly defeating the Mad Scrub, whom did not fall in the lava this time. But as the two moved on top of the larger platform this time, they were given a nasty surprise by the appearance of a Cannon Soldier, whom immediately fired a Spiked Cannonball towards them, striking the two in the stomach area, causing them to land against what appeared to be a console-like affair or more akin to a control center to control the machinery. The Cannon Soldier however wasn’t given the chance to strike again as it was immediately killed by a Silver Arrow courtesy of Saria. At this moment, Link and Zelda managed to get the Cannonball off of them, both of them having pain in their chest and back areas, as well as having bleeding wounds from their arms from where the spikes of the cannonball punctured through their skin.
“That was…” Link began.
“…incredibly cheap!” Zelda said, both of them grunting as Saria, Ruto and Nabooru helped them up, with Impa administering some Red Potion to them to help them in recover some of the wounds more rapidly.
“That was also new; I’ve never seen one of those Soldiers before…” Impa said, blinking, while Nabooru went to a large switch that had a handle on it, indicating it had to be pushed or pulled in order to activate something.
Grabbing hold of the handle, Nabooru pulled with her might, but was so far unable to move the switch.
“Man, either this thing is rusty… or incredibly tough!” She said through clenched teeth.
Both Link and Zelda went to aid her, soon followed by Saria and Ruto, but they were unable to pull the switch.
“I’ll give it a shot.” Darunia said, taking advantage of his strength to pull the switch this time successfully, activating a contraption that began to lower platforms in a left-right alternating fashion from the two metal bars that stuck out of a shaft in the ceiling all the way down into the lava.
“Well, looks like this is similar to that platform stairway we had back in that abandoned Temple.” Link said.
“Yes, but now these platforms are moving…” Saria noted.
“They are the least of our worries, Saria; what is likely going to be a bother are those conveyor belts.” Link said, nodding to the conveyor belts which not only moved in the opposite direction of where they had to go, but also had gratings in pipes on one side that sprayed jets of steam at regular intervals, likely capable of inflicting serious pain if not careful.
“What in the name of my father is this? A room filled with complex machinery or an elaborate obstacle course?!” Zelda asked, blinking at where Link was nodding to.
“Looks like both of them to me.” Ruto said, while Link got ready to cross the conveyor belt, trying to find a pattern between the steam jets being sprayed for accessing the area proper.

Once again going one after the other, Link and the Sages managed to cross the first conveyor belt without much hinder, reaching the platforms that were constantly lowering themselves into the lava from the ceiling, forcing the group to hop from platform to platform to make their way up towards the second conveyor belt, which led them towards a more safer path that was apparently part of the top floor of the room as a whole, considering they were now close to the ceiling. Once at the safe area, the group went to rest, although they were wary as there was a lack of guard rails in the room itself. Despite this, they had a clear overview of the room itself.
“I feel funny under my feet.” Ruto said.
“Must be because of our current altitude and the view we have of the rest of the room, as well as the imminent danger of falling down.” Darunia said.
“Look, there’s a platform at the far side of the room near the ceiling!” Saria then said.
“Hopefully that must contain the door for us to proceed to the next area.” Link said, looking to where Saria saw it.
“That platform has grating alongside of it. Perhaps that’s the only safe area?” Nabooru said.
“Very likely. I just hope we can reach it in one piece.” Link said, spotting another set of moving platforms which were headed, fortunately, in the right direction, allowing the group to use them to advance towards that safe platform.
Saria gulped a little, but regained her composure as she saw Link boldly using the platforms to his advantage, timing his jumps with care once more. With the prospect of being able to reach safety and leave the room as a whole was something she could look forward to.

Reimu and Leia’s troops in the meantime discovered the trail that the group used to snowboard down and through the whole mountain area, intending to follow it to ensure they would reach them in time for assistance. However Reimu advised the use of a new craft that could make the search easier. Created from the remains of the boats and airships that they could salvage from the Great Bay area, the Gerudo had taken these craft with them aboard their ship as cargo in order to ease the search for when the time was right. Now it was time to put these craft to use as in the overall areas they searched, no trace of the group was found other than what remained of the slain enemies which did not disintegrate, as well as the burnt remains of the supposedly hidden back-up power generator.
“Holy Toledo,” One of the Gerudo said, after observing the burning remains of the generator, “somebody had fun!”
“I’ll say,” a second Gerudo said, joining her, “they really had a blast.”
“Geez…” a third one said.
“There’s no time to waste though; we have to bring our report to our leader, now that we have a clue of where the group has been so far.” The first Gerudo said.
“Right. Let’s hope we can find them in time before all hell breaks loose.” The second one said, before the three left to look for Reimu in order to report their findings and give her intel on where the group has gone to after observing their tracks, this being notable by traces of snow floating in the air, which was apparently the location of the at first invisible platforms in the air.

Once Link and the Seven Sages landed on a grating that stuck out from the main platform itself, they took one last look around the room, before entering the safe path. But no sooner had they entered the path itself completely, when the grating behind them rose, locking them in the area. A gate at the far side opened, revealing a single Darknut, who went to engage the heroes.
“Alright, time to get some action again.” Saria said, firing a Silver Arrow at the Darknut… only for it to be blocked by yet another Barrier Wizrobe!
At this point, Link lost his temper for a moment and with a precisely timed jump attack, he cleaved the Barrier Wizrobe in two, allowing the others to focus on the Darknut while the Wizrobe’s remains disintegrated, allowing Link to assist his friends in the fight against this tough enemy. However, the fight was made difficult due to the limited space the group could move in, as well as there were two crates standing at the far top right and the far down left corner of the platform itself. While those platforms could be used to hide behind or gain some leverage against the Darknut, it still remained quite hazardous to confront the behemoth as its broadsword swinged once to the left, almost cutting of Zelda’s scalp had she not ducked in time, before she used her Shield attack to stun it. This allowed Saria to perform the Helm Splitter on the behemoth, before Link aided Zelda by repeatedly slashing at the stunned Darknut before it recovered, despite losing bits of its armor along the way. Darunia clobbered the Darknut with a barrage of Goron Fire Punches, which proved to be very effective as more parts of the armor were punched off with great force, before the Darknut was now armor-less and tossed his broadsword away in favor of its more rapier-styled blade, which by itself increased its speed as it also had no shield available to defend itself against the incoming attacks of the group itself. Still, the Darknut managed to knock the sword out of Link and Saria’s hands for a brief moment, before slashing at them, which effectively delivered a cut in their faces, while Zelda had a stab wound in her arm and Ruto had a slash would across her right arm. Nabooru pushed Link and Saria out of harm’s way, bringing them in reach of their swords, but she could not prevent the Darknut from striking her in the side, causing Nabooru to scream in pain. In retaliation, Nabooru’s eyes then glowed orange for a brief moment, before stabbing the Darknut in the stomach area with her right hand, extracting a sphere from him which had an eerie glow to it, as if it was made of magic or energy, before heaving it high in the air, and squashed it with a loud *SPLAT*, causing the Darknut to recoil in pain, although it recovered. However, this brief moment allowed Saria to constrict the behemoth with her vines, leaving the Darknut struggling to cut through its defenses, before she and Link picked up their Golden Swords to perform a Dual Helm Splitter, critically damaging it in the process. It was then that Nabooru held her hands in front of her, gathering a bit of energy from herself as well as Link and the remaining Sages, almost like a miniature Spirit Bomb, before launching it at the Darknut, finally obliterating it into nothingness. This allowed the group to properly recuperate, just as the gate where the Darknut itself came from before opened up again, this time showing an empty corridor which obviously meant that the group had to go through. Taking some sips for the Red Potion they had left, the group relaxed for a moment to let it take effect to let the worst wounds stop bleeding, before moving on through the corridor.
“I swear, these sudden surprises are really not the things I like.” Link said.
“I’ll say. Especially in such a confined room…” Zelda said.
“Well, let’s see what we can find here…” Saria said as the group traveled onward through the corridor.

Traveling onward, the group came eventually across a set of pipes that ran through the corridor, crossing over or otherwise following along the path. Hopping from the path to a lower section, the group eventually came across a room that was like a large tube by itself, with platforms being moved over rails to the right, with the platforms being held on the rails through ropes. To the right, the path was blocked by constant jets of steam that was potent enough to lambast anyone who would come close to it or even touch it.  To the left, the path was completely free and available to be explored, but this meant having to jump from platform to platform. On ground level however were several pots and chests that the group could use. Hopping down to the ground level, the group went to open the chests, discovering some additional supplies for their weapons and medications, like arrows, bombs, Red Potion and even a Green Potion. The Pots however contained Red Fairies, which instantly went to heal the group upon close approach, restoring the group in effect back to full health.
“Wow, that sure felt good after those battles.” Ruto said.
“I have a feeling they were here for a reason, other than to heal us…” Link said.
“You think we have gotten close to the area where the one in charge is?” Zelda asked.
“Possibly, or otherwise something that could be of similar great significance.” Link said, waiting until the others had gathered their supplies.
“Wow, I wonder what it will be this time…” Saria said, looking around.
“There is only one way to find out.” Ruto said.
“Indeed. Let’s hope it will be something that will allow us to progress.” Nabooru said, as Link climbed up the ladder back to the main platform the group had stood on upon entering the area, looking to carefully jump on the moving platforms to cross the area carefully and prevent being burnt to cinders by the steam jets behind him.

The trip itself went tediously slow, mostly due to the platforms constantly moving to the opposite direction, but the group was making progress, although Ruto and Impa missed one platform, causing them to slide back down to the beginning where the pots and chests were. Still, it was of no consequence as they could simply try it again, with Link using his Bow and Arrows to take out two Assault Spear Soldiers that were trying to block the group’s path or at least hinder them in some fashion, before he proceeded to continue on his way towards another path to the left, as another set of pipes emitting constant jets of steam was blocking his path directly ahead, giving him not much of a choice. He waited for the others once he had landed on the path itself, which led into a dark corridor. The others arrived in total after a few minutes, as a couple of others made a few mishaps along the way. Even though Link himself has made it in one go, even he had moments where he nearly lost his balance during almost miscalculated landings on the platforms. He was happy that Saria and Zelda could join him quickly, followed by Nabooru and Darunia, later on followed by Ruto, Impa and finally Rauru.
“Whew, it wasn’t easy, but we made it.” Ruto said, earning a playful pat on the back from Saria.
“Wait, do you guys and girls hear that?” Link then asked, hearing something as he put a listening ear deeper into the corridor.
“It sounds like heavy machinery being operated.” Impa said.
“But what is it for a contraption?” Zelda asked her attendant.
“Only one way to know for sure…” She said, as the group made their way down the corridor.

Exiting the corridor, the group could hear the sounds of the machinery coming closer as they entered a room that was again filled with lava around them with platforms in the middle… coupled with a gentle bridge leading to the center platform. But what made the group stop was the machine ahead… It looked like a complicated contraption, with twin doors on either side of the machine’s upper path, a wheel that was similar to the wheel of fortune things the group had seen on funfairs as well as in Termina, being modeled after the Clock Tower’s design, even though it had images of enemies on it. There was also a bar in the center that had an unlit light at the top and an obvious target with a blood-red gemstone in its center. In the center itself stood something that resembled a large cannon, while four Cannon Soldiers were standing on the higher path, aiming at the group itself. A humming/droning sound was heard, which indicated the machine was powering something for sure.
“Is this what I think it is?” Nabooru asked.
“Yep, this must be the last generator.” Link said as he entered the main platform, while the enemies surprisingly remained docile for the time being.
As he took his position, the Sages moved to stand in a row, narrowing their eyes at the machine. It was then that a *THUD* was heard, followed by a bubbling sound from behind the group. Looking behind them, Link and the Sages saw that a gate had closed at the entrance area, blocking anyone else from getting in, while the bridge they used to move onto the platform they now stood on sank into the lava.
“Cripes, that’s another déjà vu…” Link said, blinking.
“Huh?” Zelda asked.
“Back when I had to go through the Fire Temple and was about to face Volvagia the dragon, I also witnessed a platform I needed to cross to the main battle area sinking to the lava, as if trapping me in that area while fighting the boss.” Link replied.
“I see.” Darunia said, just as he saw the Cannon Soldiers taking position.
“Everybody get ready,” Rauru said, “this is going to be quite tough…”
“Goddesses bless the Chateau Romani…” Zelda said, as the effects were still in place.
“Let’s show them.” Link said, preparing his Bow and Silver Arrows…
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing here?!” A menacing, high-pitched voice then said.
“Majora!” Link and the Sages said in unison.
“You may have made it this far, but you’ll never be able to stop us now! This machine will end you now!” Majora said, before vanishing again, the Cannon Soldiers taking position…
And here is also Chapter 47, where the heroes have to make their way across machinery in a large room to progress.

As for how the room looks like, think of the Foundry in the Hoodlum Headquarters in Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc as this is inspired by that room.

Also, a new enemy appears that was programmed to be in A Link To The Past, but made NO appearance in the game...

Trivia: There is a quote of Die Hard: With A Vengeance in this chapter...
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